yo, i'm not even sure how i found my way this article today. it went something like: doom scroll > random IG post > Google search > unassuming mouse click. i must say, this is one of the better pieces of writing i've consumed in recent memory. it is equal parts exacting, poetic, poignant, and nuanced. brilliant work!
I know it's a running gag by now, but I arrived at this page by a random walk and I'm very glad to have done so lol.
Wonderful writing on such a complex topic. I agree that while LaBeouf has seemingly found redemption with his conversion, his career is irredeemable sadly. If there's anything that's in extremely short supply in culture today, it's grace. And I suppose that may be a good thing, I don't really know.
Like Ross, I can't even remember how I ended up here, but I couldn't stop reading once I'd started. What an incredibly balanced and engaging piece! Congratulations on your work, and also for your humanity in every respect. Chris
Stopped reading after the clear one sided view the author has. This article clearly pushes that white people should in no way try to be in relation to anything "black". In doing this you'll always be pushing a racist society. Not even to mention the person claiming these allegations has been seen hanging iut with the accused. After reading this anything and everything said in this article is tainted with a clear bias and goal. Terrible journalism and you should be ashamed.
And he has apologized. Been much better, has had any complaints since and literally has become a better person. She on the hand keeps bringing it up over and over, acts like he's a monster when hes not and literally has made it her mission to try to smear him when hes already healthy , moved on with a wife and child. She on the other hand is single, obviously jealous and literally seems to want to do nothing but destroy herself. Although yes this piece might have a few valid points 1. Shia has actually changed. had shown true remorse, has been obviously just as hard on himself, and yes deserves redemption just like everyone else. 2. Alot of people find God even if hadn't made some major mistakes and there os nothing wrong with finding God or redemption and. 3. Why wouldn't you want someone to change and redeem themselves???? Everyone gets mad if yes people do some really crappy behavior but the minute they show contription and regret all act like should still be wallowing for the rest of their lives. Seriously. Its called yes forgiveness, yes letting people be redeemed and not freaking talking crap just because someone dares to find God.
She has every right to be upset. You dont call the shots when someone should get over trauma and abuse. "Doing much better" and saying "sorry" doesn't heal what he has done to her. I'm glad he's a "hero" to his new gf and kid, but he was the villan in someone else's story. If a dude beats up multiple women, that behavior doesn't just stop. In a year or two, you'll be eating your words, I'll bet money on that.
He is a hero in someone’s story and a villain in hers. I believe you choose to see the bad in people rather than the good. How does one ever strive to be better if people will always still see them for their mistakes.
Oh please. Yes he FREAKING ONCE did lne stupid regret but that doesnt mean she has to keep hounding and harrasing. He has never hurt anyone since and he has fully apologized and redeemed himself which every freaking person has a right to do. So get off your high horse cause you're not perfect either nor is she. And stop try cancel every celeb just because they dare arent perfect and make one slipup. Its not like he was another Weinstein or epstein. Gosh you idiots are annoying.
yo, i'm not even sure how i found my way this article today. it went something like: doom scroll > random IG post > Google search > unassuming mouse click. i must say, this is one of the better pieces of writing i've consumed in recent memory. it is equal parts exacting, poetic, poignant, and nuanced. brilliant work!
Thank you for your kind words, Ross. I’m glad your internet journey led you here.
I know it's a running gag by now, but I arrived at this page by a random walk and I'm very glad to have done so lol.
Wonderful writing on such a complex topic. I agree that while LaBeouf has seemingly found redemption with his conversion, his career is irredeemable sadly. If there's anything that's in extremely short supply in culture today, it's grace. And I suppose that may be a good thing, I don't really know.
Anyway, again, great article!
I disagree. I believe it is redeemable and he is a phenomenal actor. I always look forward to his work
Thank you for reading.
Like Ross, I can't even remember how I ended up here, but I couldn't stop reading once I'd started. What an incredibly balanced and engaging piece! Congratulations on your work, and also for your humanity in every respect. Chris
Very kind of you to leave such a nice reply. Thank you for reading.
Wow. Loved this. Great writing, Fred. I was sincerely moved.
Thank you, my friend!
Beautiful piece Fred!
Powerful!! You go son!!
Amazingly written.
This fucking rules (which is to say, it made me quite emotional). Great piece
Amazing writing as always Fred
this is really pertinent and precise work fred, good job with this.
Thank you so much, Yui. This means a lot.
Interesting piece. I understand a lot of what is going on in this reflection. I don’t think LaBeouf is entirely who our culture is making him out to be. Here is a piece I wrote, which you might be interested in: https://medium.com/@vaughnbrines/my-letters-to-shia-labeouf-a-new-perspective-on-ego-death-and-the-life-of-a-the-controversial-2013dd1663fd#:~:text=Shia%20has%20often%20spoken%20of,helped%20to%20get%20me%20there.
Stopped reading after the clear one sided view the author has. This article clearly pushes that white people should in no way try to be in relation to anything "black". In doing this you'll always be pushing a racist society. Not even to mention the person claiming these allegations has been seen hanging iut with the accused. After reading this anything and everything said in this article is tainted with a clear bias and goal. Terrible journalism and you should be ashamed.
And he has apologized. Been much better, has had any complaints since and literally has become a better person. She on the hand keeps bringing it up over and over, acts like he's a monster when hes not and literally has made it her mission to try to smear him when hes already healthy , moved on with a wife and child. She on the other hand is single, obviously jealous and literally seems to want to do nothing but destroy herself. Although yes this piece might have a few valid points 1. Shia has actually changed. had shown true remorse, has been obviously just as hard on himself, and yes deserves redemption just like everyone else. 2. Alot of people find God even if hadn't made some major mistakes and there os nothing wrong with finding God or redemption and. 3. Why wouldn't you want someone to change and redeem themselves???? Everyone gets mad if yes people do some really crappy behavior but the minute they show contription and regret all act like should still be wallowing for the rest of their lives. Seriously. Its called yes forgiveness, yes letting people be redeemed and not freaking talking crap just because someone dares to find God.
She has every right to be upset. You dont call the shots when someone should get over trauma and abuse. "Doing much better" and saying "sorry" doesn't heal what he has done to her. I'm glad he's a "hero" to his new gf and kid, but he was the villan in someone else's story. If a dude beats up multiple women, that behavior doesn't just stop. In a year or two, you'll be eating your words, I'll bet money on that.
He is a hero in someone’s story and a villain in hers. I believe you choose to see the bad in people rather than the good. How does one ever strive to be better if people will always still see them for their mistakes.
Oh please. Yes he FREAKING ONCE did lne stupid regret but that doesnt mean she has to keep hounding and harrasing. He has never hurt anyone since and he has fully apologized and redeemed himself which every freaking person has a right to do. So get off your high horse cause you're not perfect either nor is she. And stop try cancel every celeb just because they dare arent perfect and make one slipup. Its not like he was another Weinstein or epstein. Gosh you idiots are annoying.
once? he hurt multiple people.
no one is perfect, but i sure dont go around beating on my significant others.
the only idiot here is you, defending a celebrity just because hes a celebrity and "he said sorry"
he should be in jail!